Jin-kun of Jingisukan
Hokkaido Genghis Khan PR character
Sapporo City Official Sapporo Smile PR Ambassador
2014 Yuru-chara Grand Prix Hokkaido 1st place
He is always about to be eaten.
Despite this, he is very calm.
It seems that his hair is extremely heat and fire resistant.
It was born from the wish that “I want people who ate Genghis Khan in Hokkaido to bring back memories and laughter.”
・Basically vegetarian
・Nenrei: 1 year old (human and 4 year old)
・Favorite food: Sprinkled rice, salted rice balls
Where I live: Lives at Kobo Artista
・Friends: Gisu-kun, Kan-kun
・Hair is fireproof and heat-resistant
Origin: Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill