Soon Pau Voon
Soon Pau Voon is Chef and Teaching Fellow at School of Hospitality & Service Management, Sunway University since 2009. Currently he is pursuing a Master’s degree in Food and Ethnicity with KITA-UKM. His research interests include the anthropology of food (feasting and commensality) and the social history of food (Malaysian ethnic food).
Hon. Secretary of the Professional Culinaire Association
As a chef, he has led the Malaysia Junior National Culinary Team in the IKA/Culinary Olympics 2020 in winning Gold in Restaurant of Nations and Silver in IKA Buffet, ranking 6th overall.
He is also involved in hosting the Worldchefs Congress and Expo 2018 as well as the Selangor International Culinary Festival for 2018 and 2019. Presently Soon is the Hon. Secretary of the Professional Culinaire Association, Malaysia and a member of the Asia Pacific Food Studies Network.
Recipes from Soon Pau Voon